Network scanner

This is a multi-threaded network scanner that I wrote in python. It runs in the terminal and outputs the results to a file. This is not meant to be run in Replit.

Hackathon Question

This takes a grid with two people (m and p) and shows directions to get m to p. To use this you must first input how large the grid will be then input the grid with - as blank spaces.

Adventure Game

This is a text-based adventure game I built for a programming class with an integrated rock, paper, scissors game! It also has a bunch of niche references for some super nerds.

Turing Test Example

This is my best attempt at passing the Turing test. It might just be up there with the latest versions of AI.


Here is a clone of the New York Times’ Wordle that works exclusively in the terminal.

Chatroom in firebase

Chatroom that I made with google Firebase and Firestore.

Chat room